Environmental Health Consultation

The Environmental Health Division, Department of Local Government was formed in 2007 through its Personnel Warrant No. S182 Year 2005, whereby prior to this, all its activities were under the purview of the Engineering Division in the same Department. With effect from June 15, 2015, the Public Service Department via its Personnel Warrant No. 109 Year 2015 has approved the restructuring and the rebranding of the Division now fondly known as the Environmental Health Consultation Division (EHCD).

Under the new restructuring, this Division is headed by Environmental Health Officer Grade U54 (1) and supported by Environmental Health Officer (EHO) Grade U52 (1), EHO Grade U48/U52 (3), EHO Grade U44 (4), EHO Grade U41/U42/U44 (4). All the posts are on Cadre Post basis by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and they include the Assistant Environmental Health Officer (AEHO) Grade U36 (1), AEHO Grade U32 (5), AEHO Grade U29 (5), Administrative Assistant Grade N17 (1) and Personal Assistance (1), making the total number of staff 26.

EHCD plays a major role in formulating policies on environmental health as a reference for the Department of Local Government, State Authorities and Local Authorities in the country. It also plays a vital role in formulating and reviewing subsidiary legislations under section 73, Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171) and similarly, the role of allocating funds for the preventive and environmental health control activities Local Authorities.

EHCD monitors the environmental health activities such as incidences of communicable and vector borne diseases, food safety issues, public toilets cleanliness and advocacy, control of abattoirs and wet market in the local authority’s jurisdiction areas in the country. Such programs allow the Department to have a better understanding of the issues so that the effective preventive and control measures can be put in place. This Division is divided into four (4) units and the function of each unit is as listed below:

  1. Plan, manage and evaluate the activities of Disease and Vector Control at the Department of Local Government to guide the Local Authorities.
  2. Provide technical guidelines related to Disease and Vector Control activities.
  3. Formulate and review Local Authorities By-Laws in relation to Disease and Vector Control activities.
  4. Plan and conduct training programs and courses at the national and local levels.
  5. Plan, organise and coordinate cleanliness campaigns, education and awareness on dengue and other diseases carried out by the Department of Local Government, State Authorities and Local Authorities.
  6. Provide technical advice and consultation on Environmental Health to Local Authorities, State Authorities and other agencies.
  1. Plan, manage and evaluate environmental health activities at Disease Prevention Control Station (eg: swimming pools, public toilets) at the Department of Local Government to guide the Local Authorities.
  2. Provide technical guidelines related to Maintenance and Disease Prevention Control Station.
  3. Formulate and review Local Authorities By-Laws in relation to maintenance and Prevention of Disease Control Station activities.
  4. Plan and conduct training programs and courses at the national and local levels.
  5. Plan, organise and coordinate cleanliness campaigns, education and awareness on maintenance and Disease Prevention Control Station carried out by the Department of Local Government, State Authorities and Local Authorities.
  6. Provide technical advice and consultation on Environmental Health to Local Authorities, State Authorities and other agencies.
  1. Plan, manage and evaluate environmental health activities on Food Control and Safety at the Department of Local Government to guide the Local Authorities.
  2. Provide technical guidelines related to Food Control and Safety.
  3. Formulate and review Local Authorities By-Laws in relation to Food Control and Safety activities.
  4. Plan and conduct training programs and courses at the national and local levels.
  5. Plan, organise and coordinate cleanliness campaigns, education and awareness on Food Control and Safety carried out by the Department of Local Government, State Authorities and Local Authorities.
  6. Provide technical advice and consultation on Environmental Health to Local Authorities, State Authorities and other agencies.
  1. Plan, manage and evaluate environmental health activities on market and slaughtering centre control (Including abandoned animal eg. Dogs, cats, cattle).
  2. Provide technical guidelines related to market and slaughtering centre control (including abandoned animal eg. Dogs, cats, cattle).
  3. Formulate and review Local Authorities By-Laws in relation to market and slaughtering centre control (Including abandoned animal eg. Dogs, cats, cattle).
  4. Plan and conduct training programs and courses at the national and local levels.
  5. Plan, organise and coordinate cleanliness campaigns, education and awareness on market and slaughtering centre control (Including abandoned animal eg. Dogs, cats, cattle) carried out by the Department of Local Government, State Authorities and Local Authorities.
  6. Provide technical advice and consultation on Environmental Health to Local Authorities, State Authorities and other agencies.


Until now, this Division has developed guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOP) in State and Local Authorities (PBT). The guidelines and SOP that have been approved for adoption by the National Council of Local Government (MNKT) are as follows;

  1. Guidelines For Star Rating On The Cleanliness Of Public Toilets In The Local Authority  2012
  2. Guidelines For The Abattoir Of Chickens, Ducks and other Poultry  in the Local Authority  2014
  3. Guidelines On Grading System of Food Premises In The Local Authority  2014
  4. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) For Capture And Disposal Of Abandoned Dogs In The Local Authority 2014


By-laws (UUK) related to environmental health as provided under Section 73 and Section 102 Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171) that has been approved by the 32nd National Council of Local Government (MNKT) on 16 October 1987 to be adopted by Local Authorities and State Authorities are as follows;

  1. Food Establishment By-Laws
  2. Public Toilets By-Laws
  3. Food Handling By-Laws
  4. Compounding By-Laws
  5. Swimming Pools By-Laws
  6. Hawkers By-Laws
  7. Market By-Laws
  8. Crematorium By-Laws
  9. Barber Shop  and Hairdresser By-Laws
  10. Licensing of Dogs By-Laws
  11. SPA By-Laws
  12. Collection, Removal and Disposal of Rubbish By-Laws
  13. Trade, business and Industry By-Laws


The Division is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the roles and functions of local authorities based on the provisions of the law as follows :

Local Government Act 1976 (Act 1971)
An Act that is enacted by Parliament in accordance with clause (4) of article 76 of the Constitution, the provisions of all laws and regulations in respect of the restructuring and consolidating the law relating to local government.
Food Act 1983 (Act 281)
An Act to protect the public against health hazards and fraud in the preparation, sale and use of food, and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004 (PPKHT 2004)
PPKHT 2004 is under Act 281. This regulation provides the power to enforce no-smoking places.
Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insect Act 1975 (Act 154)
An Act gazzetted on 23 August 1982 to make provision for destroying and controlling insects and disease carriers and conducting medical examination and treatment of people with fatal diseases carried by insects and for matters connected therewith.
Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Act 1988 (Act 342)
An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the prevention and control of infectious diseases and to provide for other matters connected therewith.
By-Laws Relating to Local Government
Under the provisions of Section 73 and Section 102 of the Act 171 empowers Local Authorities from time to time make, amend and revoke the by-laws on all matters as are necessary or desirable to maintain health and the safety of the residents at Local Authority area.