Menggubal dan menyeragamkan dasar, perundangan dan peraturan berkaitan dengan aspek keselamatan bangunan di bawah Akta 133 - Akta Jalan, Parit dan Bangunan dan UKBS - Undang-undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam 1984.
Memberi khidmat nasihatan teknikal berkaitan keselamatan, kestabilan dan keselesaan bangunan dan persekitaran sejajar dengan peraturan-peraturan Kerajaan Persekutuan di bawah Akta 133/UBBL.
Mengendalikan latihan teknikal kepada kakitangan PBT mengenai dasar, prosedur kerja dan peraturan baru untuk dilaksanakan.
Menggubal dan menyeragamkan dasar dan perundangan dan peraturan berkaitan dengan OSC dan CCC.
Mengendalikan latihan teknikal kepadakakitangan PBT mengenai dasar, prosedur kerja dan peraturan OSC dan CCC.
Bertanggungjawab secara keseluruhannya dari aspek merangka, menyelaras sehingga penyiapan projek NBOS dari aspek rekabentuk dan kesenibinaan.
Formulating and standardizing policies, legislation, and regulations related to building safety under Act 133 - the Street, Drainage and Building Act, and UKBS - the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984. |
Providing technical advisory services related to the safety, stability, and comfort of buildings and the environment in accordance with Federal Government regulations under Act 133/UBBL. |
Conducting technical training for local authority (PBT) staff on new policies, work procedures, and regulations to be implemented. |
Formulating and standardizing policies, legislation, and regulations related to the One-Stop Centre (OSC) and Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC). |
Conducting technical training for PBT staff on OSC and CCC policies, work procedures, and regulations. |
Overall responsibility for drafting and coordinating the completion of NBOS projects in terms of design and architecture. |
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